About Us

Teddington Action Group (TAG) was born out of the 2014 Departure Enhancement Programme (DEP) trials by NATS, which sparked controversy in our area leading to over 5,000 people signing a petition to halt the noise. While Heathrow maintain to this day that the trials were stopped, planes have continued to intensify in concentrated routes over the area, fly at excessively low altitudes, and noise has continued to increase.

TAG are a group of people from diverse backgrounds who are persistent in understanding and uncovering the actions and claims made by the aviation industry which results in Teddington and surrounding areas being severely impacted, specifically when it comes to noise and pollution.

In 2015, TAG gave notice of their intention to seek a Judicial Review on the Airport Commission’s work in respect of the vested interests of Sir Howard Davies, and the consultation on air quality being rushed and insufficiently publicised. In 2018 and 2019 a member of TAG was one of the claimants in the widely reported judicial review action, in which the High Court was asked to judicially review the Airports National Policy Statement

Today, TAG sits on the Heathrow Community Noise Forum, and is a member of the No 3rd Runway Coalition, an umbrella group supporting a growing number of communities opposing Heathrow. We have connections to our local councils and actively support MPs and independent bodies like the Aviation Environmental Federation (AEF), Friends of the Earth, and Greenpeace.

Our main aims are:

  • To make Heathrow Better, not Bigger. We oppose Heathrow expansion and work continually to refute spurious claims made by Heathrow and aviation supporting bodies that suggest that airport expansion will benefit both our area and our nation
  • To hold Heathrow and governing bodies to account to ensure that operational procedures are maintained within the law and are fair
  • To oppose any changes to airspace or operational procedures that increase the noise and pollution that impacts on our area
  • To keep our followers informed of the latest developments on Heathrow operations and Government consultations concerning aviation.

If you would like further information regarding our group, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.